Monday, August 29, 2011

Text message: 8/19/11 8:36 PM

What is this number about?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Text message: 8/10/11 8:43 AM

Who the fuck is this?

Text message: 8/4/11 9:05 PM

If you don't want to pay it, I suggest you pull the devil up through the ground by his little horns & maybe he will be dangling dollar bills from his little pitchfork for ya!!

Text message: 8/3/11 12:02 AM

I wanna ram it, ram it, ram it up the poop shoot

Text message: 7/27/11 11:11 PM

U wana get dirty?

7/22/11 10:08 PM

Google's computers were unfortunately unable to make a transcript of this message for whatever reason.

Text message: 7/22/11 9:59 PM

Fuckin groinulomklllll

7/21/11 9:23 PM

What Google's computers thought the caller said:
Hello what's up. Because. Hello, kind of Martin below, hey entry. We need anything Work. So it seems to be bye.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Text message: 6/26/11 11:10 PM

I'll stick my dick in an electric socket if it can guarantee climax and survival. What say you?

Text message: 6/23/11 11:48 PM

Lesbians will rule the fucking world. Jsyk.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

6/16/11 6:36 PM

Google's computers were unfortunately unable to make a transcript of this message for whatever reason.

6/4/11 10:53 PM

What Google's computers thought the caller said:
HI 00 Received this new had a lot of figured out like a max HI. Yes, ohh i got a fax Saturday, Fax something's wife lazy to hey to 9. I don't know if you I was. People are havingtonight and I do the we're having tonight. I don't know if I was. Hey, hey this is what I have no so just go over and over. So he has it over. Hey, but back. Exactly So I'm going to learnHe's just boy, hey. He's.

Text message: 5/22/11 9:20 PM

Helllllooooooo Ladiesss!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

5/20/11 2:35 PM

What Google's computers thought the caller said:
Hey you like being at borrower gone and Sarah and I mean.

Monday, May 16, 2011

5/15/11 10:33 PM

Google's computers were unfortunately unable to make a transcript of this message for whatever reason.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5/7/11 12:31 AM

What Google's computers thought the caller said:
Hello said that Iraq at a park and I'm like, is it I have no the with the phone number is, but it on in. Ohh. I'm hoping that bike i community. Our, I think. Like know. Okay,first, it's about off cos I've left it. Hey Jackie would like to talk to you soon, hey. And so yeah, i'm listening to. So it's not California apartments, I'm Dave, so. Have anice night you my face of the And yeah, i feel like website or something. I would love to find out about you. The to you later. Talk to you later.

Text message: 5/5/11 9:08 PM

Not that drunk, but sending good vibes to those hearts in the world that could use them.

5/4/11 9:17 PM

Google's computers were unfortunately unable to make a transcript of this message for whatever reason.

Text message: 4/21/11 8:20 PM

Fat bitches love the Hot Dog King! Lightning Bolt will eat you...balls.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4/6/11 3:50 AM

What Google's computers thought the caller said:

have a little bit and. If you can reference, but I have been thinking a lot. Bye bye, alright. Hope you are yours are Peter. So if you guys say wall firewall wall phone. And hey it. Hey man, are wrong. Wall Wall low. Hello, the again none of the guys got something today. On 18 91. I don't know how 7 9 need your uncle. So I Chuck and he see if you could Boy. Man he gave me. Perhaps does. I was so yeah I don't know if I don't know what I'm going over your who. And I'll try mom's car I don't know that HI, This is love you and have a me drunk. I do have a lot of the love you all and you have a lot of bringing Ohio along lives it. ON it.

3/11/11 12:27 AM

What Google's computers thought the caller said:

Good for you know I saw your sign for your, or a figurehead window so that I give you a call to see what's going on the new maybe something going on here and I could be interesting so. Yeah. Bye bye.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2/5/11 12:03 AM

What Google's computers thought the caller said:
 Hello you, John. I just wanted to, state that there are several types of okay. That I think there is a party. John saying again And the social, John Yes, Hi. I'm notMarney Joe. So, what in the point. I'm getting drunk. When there's nothing and I have an accurate. And this message goes out to Alan vicious time, hey from audience.

Text message: 2/2/11 10:48 PM

I love to say STFU

Sunday, January 30, 2011

1/30/11 2:42 AM

What Google's computers thought the caller said:
Hello hello hello hello hello hello hello in Illinois, and will have. Yes, hey going. Has Hey there, ohh. Then, the.

Text message: 1/20/11 8:48 PM

ALCOHOL IS SATANS SEMEN, and it shames me to admit that he fucks my face regularly. My BFF is he! Let it be... Let it be.

Text message: 1/16/11 12:10 AM

Suck this chicks lipstick off my dipstick